What Happens If You Never Clean Your Mattress?

Your mattress is a breeding ground for germs, fungi and bacteria that can cause skin irritation. To avoid this, clean your mattress on a regular basis.


As if your bed isn’t already dirty enough, if you never clean your mattress, it will become a breeding ground for bacteria. Dirty mattresses are a haven for germs, including viruses, fungi and the dreaded mold spores. When spores are inhaled, they can aggravate existing allergies and asthma. They can also cause a slew of other health problems, such as sinus infections, pneumonia, and other lung conditions.

A dirty mattress is also a thriving habitat for dust mites, which feed on the dead skin cells, sweat and body oils that collect in your mattress’ crevices. These tiny insects can trigger allergic reactions, and a single mite produces 20 waste droppings every day. These droppings contain enzymes that trigger inflammation in the nose, eyes, lungs and throat.

Dust mites can also ingest pet dander, which leads to allergic reactions in many people, as well as other health issues like itchy and runny eyes, tightness in the chest, and wheezing. And if you sleep with a pet, their fur can cling to your sheets and make its way to your mattress.

Even if you change and wash your sheets regularly, these allergens can get on your mattress if you don’t clean it. To keep your mattress clean, use a mattress protector and launder your linens frequently. And if you ever stain your mattress, sprinkle it with baking soda to absorb the smell before vacuuming it.

If you don’t take care of your mattress, it will start to deteriorate and break down faster. This can leave it with holes, lumps and depressions, which are uncomfortable and can cause back pain. You’ll also need to replace it more often, which can add up to a lot of money over the years. 

The best thing you can do to protect your mattress is to let The Galaxy's Finest Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning for a deeper clean. The Galaxy's Finest Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning service is performed using a special hydro-kinetic upholstery tool that does not saturate the mattress, yet provides a deep clean, removing the skin cells, dust mites, and dirt from the fabric. Sanitizer is included in the solution to kill any bacteria on your mattress and helps stop most odor problems. This is a small price to pay for a great night’s sleep and protecting your health. Visit their Website for more details

Dead Skin

Whether you suffer from allergies or simply want to improve the overall quality of your sleep, a clean mattress is key. Unfortunately, a dirty mattress is full of dead skin, sweat, pet dander and more. When these contaminants accumulate in your mattress, it can cause a variety of health and sleeping issues.

When it comes to cleaning a mattress, there is much more than just washing the sheets or vacuuming the surface. In fact, you may need to strip the entire mattress and wash its contents. This is especially true if you haven’t done so in several years.

A woman in a Facebook group dedicated to cleaning shared photos of the gunk she found inside her mattress. She was shocked at just how dirty her bed really is. It seems that even if you wash your sheets regularly, it isn’t enough to get rid of all the dust, dirt, and body oils that build up on your mattress.

While you sleep, your body sheds 1.5 million dead skin cells and 25 milliliters of perspiration each hour. This will quickly build up on your mattress, which can then become a breeding ground for bacteria, viruses and fungal spores. A mattress that isn’t properly cleaned can also collect a range of unsavory items like pet dander, food crumbs, and skin flakes.

Dust mites can thrive in an uncleaned mattress, where they can feed on the dead skin cells and bodily fluids. These tiny insects poop twice their own weight each day, which will clog up your mattress and make it stink. Inhaling this excrement can aggravate allergies and even lead to breathing problems.

The best way to keep your mattress in good condition is to strip it completely and wash the sheets, pillowcases and blankets regularly. You should do this at least once every two months. Afterwards, sprinkle baking soda across the surface to help absorb moisture and neutralize odors. If your mattress is smelling musty, you can also try putting some scented candles in your bedroom or spraying some deodorizer on your mattress.


Stains are a natural result of spilling food and drinks on your mattress, but they can also be caused by bodily fluids like sweat and blood. These stains can be difficult to remove, especially if left untreated. Using the right mattress cleaning supplies, however, can make these stains fade or disappear completely.

The first step in mattress stain removal is to blot the area with a damp cloth to soak up excess moisture. If possible, try to do this as soon as you notice the stain to prevent it from setting. Next, prepare a cleaning solution. A popular choice is a 50/50 mixture of white vinegar and water, as this naturally disinfects and breaks down the stain. Apply the solution sparingly, avoiding soaking the mattress, and then gently blot it. Repeat as needed until the stain is removed.

Another good mattress cleaning supply is baking soda, which is a natural abrasive that can help absorb dirt and loosen stuck-on debris. It can also reduce odors and leave your mattress with a fresh, clean scent. To use baking soda, simply sprinkle a thin layer over the entire surface of your mattress and let it sit for several hours or overnight. Then, vacuum the mattress to remove the baking soda.

In addition to stains, a neglected mattress may be covered in yellowish dust mite droppings, which can cause breathing difficulties and itchiness. These droppings can be removed by a vacuum cleaner with an upholstery attachment.

Having an excellent night’s sleep depends on having a clean, comfortable mattress. While many people never clean their mattress, it is an important part of keeping up with hygiene and preventing negative health effects. By following these simple steps, you can easily keep your mattress clean and healthy for years to come.


When you skip cleaning your mattress, you may start to notice a foul smell. This is because sweat and body oils build up on the surface of your mattress over time. You can deodorize your mattress by sprinkling it with baking soda, leaving it to sit for 24 hours, then vacuuming it up.

If you have stubborn odors on your mattress, use an enzyme cleaner to break down proteins and eliminate the resulting smell. You can find these types of cleaners at most grocery and drug stores. Be sure to follow the label instructions, and apply the cleaner using a clean washcloth or microfiber cloth. Avoid spraying the cleaner directly onto your mattress, as it can damage or stain the fabric.

In addition to stains, your mattress can become a breeding ground for dust mites and other microscopic creatures. These organisms can trigger allergies, asthma, and other respiratory problems. The feces of these tiny critters can also cause mold and mildew, which can affect the air quality in your home.

After a decade of sleep, your mattress accumulates a massive pile of dead skin cells. These are a perfect feast for hungry dust mites, which can also trigger allergies and asthma. Breathing these allergens can also cause bronchitis and other respiratory ailments.

You can prevent odors from forming on your mattress by keeping it clean and dry. Make it a habit to haul your mattress off the frame twice a year and clean it thoroughly. First, vacuum seams and nooks with an upholstery or crevice tool to suck up dirt and dust. Then, inspect your mattress for stains and treat them as needed. Use an enzyme-based pet odor remover or a solution of one teaspoon of mild dish soap mixed with water to clean many bodily fluid stains.

Urine stains can be particularly difficult to remove from your mattress. However, they can be removed if you act quickly. You can use a commercial urine stain remover, or you can mix equal parts of distilled white vinegar and baking soda to form a paste. Spread the paste over the stain, then let it sit for an hour or two. Rinse the area with a damp cloth and vacuum it to remove the baking soda paste and the resulting odor.

Your mattress is a breeding ground for germs, fungi and bacteria that can cause skin irritation. To avoid this, clean your mattress on a regular basis. Bacteria As if your bed isn’t already dirty enough, if you never clean your mattress, it will become a breeding ground for bacteria. Dirty mattresses are a haven for…